از طرف: دانشگاھیان و کارکنان مدیریت دانشگاه ھای غزه / بهرام سلطانی

بهرام سلطانی


از طرف: دانشگاھیان و کارکنان مدیریت دانشگاه ھای غزه


منتشر شده در ۲۹ مه ۲۰۲۴



مـا از حـامیان خـود میخـواھیم که بـه مـا در مـقاومـت علیه کمپین دانـشگاهکشی اسـرائیل و

بازسازی دانشگاهھا یاری دھند.

از طرف: دانشگاھیان و کارکنان مدیریت دانشگاه ھای غزه

دروازه آسیب دیده دانشگاه الاقصی، کھ توسط ارتش اسرائیل در ۱۴ آوریل ۲۰۲۴ نابود شد، در خان یونس در جنوب نوار غزه قرار دارد



مـا بـه عـنوان دانـشگاھیان فلسـطینی و کارکنان دانـشگاهھـای غـزه گـرد ھـم آمـدهایم تـا وجـود

خـود، وجـود ھمکاران و دانـشجویانمـان را مـورد تـاکید قـرار داده و بـر آینده خـویش در مـواجـھه بـا

تمام تلاشھای کنونی برای محو ما اصرار ورزیم.

نیروھـای اشـغالـگر اسـرائیل سـاخـتمانھـای مـا را تخـریب کردهانـد، امـا دانـشگاهھـای مـا زنـده

ھسـتند. مـا بـر عـزم جـمعی خـود بـرای مـانـدن در سـرزمین خـویش و از سـرگیری تـدریس، تحصیل

و تحقیق در غزه و در دانشگاهھای فلسطینی خودمان، در اولین فرصت، تاکید میکنیم.

مــا از دوســتان و ھمکارانمــان در ســراســر جــھان میخــواھیم که در بــرابــر کمپین مــداوم

دانـشگاهکشی در فلسـطین اشـغالی مـقاومـت کنند، در کنار مـا بـرای بـازسـازی دانـشگاهھـای

تخـریب شـده کار کنند و ھـر بـرنـامـهای را که بـه دنـبال دور زدن، پـاک کردن یا تضعیف یکپارچگی

مـوسـسات دانـشگاھی مـا اسـت، طـرد کنند. آیندهی جـوانـان مـا در غـزه بـه مـا و تـوانـایی مـا بـرای

ماندن در سرزمینمان برای ادامه خدمت به نسلھای آیندهی مردممان بستگی دارد.

مــا این فــراخــوان را از زیر بــمبھــای نیروھــای اشــغالــگر در ســراســر غــزهی اشــغالی، در

اردوگـاهھـای پـناھـندگـان رفـح و از مکانھـای تبعید مـوقـت جـدید در مـصر و دیگر کشورھـای

میزبـان صـادر میکنیم. مـا آن را در حـالی منتشـر میکنیم که اشـغالـگران اسـرائیلی روزانـه بـه

کارزار نسـلکشی خـود علیه مـردم مـا ادامـه میدھـند تـا ھـر جـنبه ای از زنـدگی جـمعی و فـردی

ما را از بین ببرند.

خـانـوادهھـا، ھمکاران و دانـشآمـوزان مـا تـرور میشـونـد، در حـالی که مـا بـار دیگر بیخـانـمان

شــدهایم و بــاز ھــم تجــربیات والــدین و پــدربــزرگ و مــادربــزرگــان خــود را در طــول قــتل عــام و

اخـراجھـای جـمعی تـوسـط نیروھـای مسـلح صھیونیست در سـال ھـای ۱۹۴۷ و ۱۹۴۸ زنـدگی


زیرسـاخـتھـای مـدنی مـا – دانـشگاهھـا، مـدارس، بیمارسـتانھـا، کتابـخانـهھـا، مـوزهھـا و مـراکز

فـرھنگی – سـاخـته شـده تـوسـط نسـلھـای مـتمادی مـردم مـا، در خـرابـهھـای این نکبت عـمدی

مـداوم قـرار دارد. ھـدف قـرار دادن عـمدی زیرسـاخـتھـای آمـوزشی مـا تـلاشی آشکار بـرای غیر

قـابـل سکونـت کردن غـزه و از بین بـردن سـاخـتار فکری و فـرھنگی جـامـعه مـا اسـت. بـا این حـال،

مـا اجـازه نمیدھیم چنین اقـدامـاتی شـعلهی دانـش و پـایداری را که در درون مـا میسـوزد،

خاموش کند.

متحـــدان اســـرائیل اشـــغالـــگر در ایالات متحـــده و بـــریتانیا در حـــال بـــاز کردن یک جـــبھه

دانـشگاهکُشی دیگر از طـریق تـرویج طـرحھـای بـازسـازی ادعـایی ھسـتند که بـه دنـبال از بین

بــردن امکان حیات آمــوزشی مســتقل فلســطینی در غــزه اســت. مــا ھــمه این طــرحھــا را رد

میکنیم و از ھمکارانـمان میخـواھیم که ھـرگـونـه ھـمدسـتی در آنـھا را رد کنند. مـا ھمچنین از

ھـمه دانـشگاهھـا و ھمکاران در سـراسـر جـھان میخـواھیم که ھـر گـونـه تـلاشھـای کمکھـای

علمی را به طور مستقیم با دانشگاهھای ما ھماھنگ کنند.

مـا از صمیم قـلب از نـھادھـای ملی و بینالمللی که در ھمبسـتگی بـا مـا ایستادهانـد و در این

زمـان چـالـشبـرانگیز حـمایت و کمک میکنند، قـدردانی میکنیم. بـا این حـال، مـا بـر اھمیت

ھماھنگی این تلاشھا برای بازگشایی موثر دانشگاهھای فلسطینی در غزه تاکید داریم.

مـا بـر نیاز فـوری بـه فـعالیت مجـدد مـوسـسات آمـوزشی غـزه تـاکید میکنیم، نـه تـنھا بـرای

حـمایت از دانـشجویان فعلی، بلکه بـرای اطمینان از انـعطافپـذیری و پـایداری طـولانی مـدت

نـظام آمـوزش عـالی خـود. آمـوزش فـقط وسیلهای بـرای انـتقال دانـش نیست، این یک سـتون

حیاتی از وجود ما و چراغ امید برای مردم فلسطین است.

بـر این اسـاس، تـدوین یک اسـتراتـژی بـلند مـدت بـرای بـازسـازی زیرسـاخـتھـا و تـرمیم کل

امکانـات دانـشگاهھـا ضـروری اسـت. بـا این حـال، چنین تـلاشھـایی نیاز بـه زمـان و بـودجـه قـابـل

تـوجھی دارد که خـطری اسـت بـرای تـوانـایی مـوسـسات دانـشگاھی در حـفظ فـعالیتشان و

میتـوانـد بـه طـور بـالـقوه منجـر بـه از دسـت دادن کارکنان، دانـشجویان و ظـرفیت فـعالیت مجـدد

آنھا شود.

انـتقال آمـوزش مـتعارف بـه آمـوزش مـجازی بـرای کاھـش اخـتلال نـاشی از تخـریب زیرسـاخـتھـای

فیزیکی ضـروری مینـماید. این انـتقال نیاز بـه حـمایت جـامـع بـرای پـوشـش ھـزینهھـای عملیاتی،

از جمله حقوق کارکنان دانشگاھی دارد.

ھـزینهھـای دانـشجویی، مـنبع اصلی درآمـد دانـشگاهھـا، از زمـان آغـاز نسـلکشی سـقوط کرده

اسـت. کمبود درآمـد، کارکنان را بـدون حـقوق رھـا کرده اسـت و بسیاری از آنـھا را بـه جسـتجوی

فرصتھای بیرون از غزه سوق داده است.

فـراتـر از ضـربـهی وارد شـده بـه معیشت اسـتادان و کارکنان دانـشگاه، این فـشار مـالی نـاشی از

کمپین عــمدی دانــشگاهکُشی اســت که یک تھــدید وجــودی بــرای آیندهی خــود دانــشگاهھــا


بـنابـراین، اقـدامـات فـوری بـاید بـرای رسیدگی بـه بحـران مـالی که اکنون مـوسـسات دانـشگاھی

بـا آن روبـرو ھسـتند، در جھـت اطمینان از بـقای آنـھا، صـورت گیرد. مـا از ھـمه طـرفھـای ذینفع

میخواھیم که فورا تلاشھای خود را در حمایت از این ھدف حیاتی ھماھنگ کنند.

بــازســازی مــوســسات دانــشگاھی غــزه فــقط مــوضــوع آمــوزش نیست، این گــواھی بــر

انعطافپذیری و عزم و تعھد تزلزلناپذیر ما برای تامین آینده برای نسلھای آتی است.

سـرنـوشـت آمـوزش عـالی در غـزه مـتعلق بـه دانـشگاهھـای غـزه، اسـتادان، کارکنان و دانـشجویان

آنـھا و بـه طـور کلی بـه مـردم فلسـطین اسـت. مـا از تـلاشھـای مـردم و شھـرونـدان در سـراسـر

جھان برای پایان دادن به این نسلکشی مداوم قدردانی میکنیم.

مـا از ھمکارانمـان در میھن و در سـطح بینالمللی میخـواھیم از تـلاشھـای پـایدار مـا بـرای

دفـاع و حـفظ دانـشگاهھـایمان بـه خـاطـر آینده مـردم و تـوانـمندی مـا بـرای مـانـدن در سـرزمین

فلسـطین در غـزه حـمایت کنند. مـا این دانـشگاهھـا را از چـادرھـا سـاختیم و از چـادرھـا، بـا

حمایت دوستانمان، بار دیگر آنھا را بازسازی خواھیم کرد#.



* اسامی دانشگاھیانی که این نامه را امضاء کرده اند در پایین متن به زبان انگلیسی آمده است.

Published On 29 May 2024 

Open letter by Gaza academics and university administrators to  the world 

Gaza Academics and Administrators 

We call on our supporters to help us resist the Israeli campaign of  

scholasticide and rebuild our universities. 

The damaged gate of Al Aqsa University, which was destroyed by the Israeli army, stands in Khan  Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on April 14, 2024 [File: Reuters/Doaa Rouqa]

We have come together as Palestinian academics and staff of Gaza universities  to affirm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students, and the  insistence on our future, in the face of all current attempts to erase us. 

The Israeli occupation forces have demolished our buildings but our universities  live on. We reaffirm our collective determination to remain on our land and to  resume teaching, study, and research in Gaza, at our own Palestinian  universities, at the earliest opportunity. 

We call upon our friends and colleagues around the world to resist the ongoing  campaign of scholasticide in occupied Palestine, to work alongside us in  rebuilding our demolished universities, and to refuse all plans seeking to bypass, erase, or weaken the integrity of our academic institutions. The future of our  young people in Gaza depends upon us, and our ability to remain on our land in  order to continue to serve the coming generations of our people. 

We issue this call from beneath the bombs of the occupation forces across  occupied Gaza, in the refugee camps of Rafah, and from the sites of temporary  new exile in Egypt and other host countries. We are disseminating it as the  Israeli occupation continues to wage its genocidal campaign against our people  daily, in its attempt to eliminate every aspect of our collective and individual  life. 

Our families, colleagues, and students are being assassinated, while we have  once again been rendered homeless, reliving the experiences of our parents and  grandparents during the massacres and mass expulsions by Zionist armed forces  in 1947 and 1948. 

Our civic infrastructure – universities, schools, hospitals, libraries, museums and  cultural centres – built by generations of our people, lies in ruins from this  deliberate continuous Nakba. The deliberate targeting of our educational  infrastructure is a blatant attempt to render Gaza uninhabitable and erode the  intellectual and cultural fabric of our society. However, we refuse to allow such  acts to extinguish the flame of knowledge and resilience that burns within us. 

Allies of the Israeli occupation in the United States and United Kingdom are  opening yet another scholasticide front through promoting alleged  reconstruction schemes that seek to eliminate the possibility of independent  Palestinian educational life in Gaza. We reject all such schemes and urge our  colleagues to refuse any complicity in them. We also urge all universities and  colleagues worldwide to coordinate any academic aid efforts directly with our  universities.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the national and international institutions  that have stood in solidarity with us, providing support and assistance during  these challenging times. However, we stress the importance of coordinating  these efforts to effectively reopen Palestinian universities in Gaza. 

We emphasise the urgent need to reoperate Gaza’s education institutions, not  merely to support current students, but to ensure the long-term resilience and  sustainability of our higher education system. Education is not just a means of  imparting knowledge; it is a vital pillar of our existence and a beacon of hope  for the Palestinian people. 

Accordingly, it is essential to formulate a long-term strategy for rehabilitating  the infrastructure and rebuilding the entire facilities of the universities.  However, such endeavours require considerable time and substantial funding,  posing a risk to the ability of academic institutions to sustain operations,  potentially leading to the loss of staff, students, and the capacity to reoperate. 

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Given the current circumstances, it is imperative to swiftly transition to online  teaching to mitigate the disruption caused by the destruction of physical  infrastructure. This transition necessitates comprehensive support to cover  operational costs, including the salaries of academic staff. 

Student fees, the main source of income for universities, have collapsed since  the start of the genocide. The lack of income has left staff without salaries,  pushing many of them to search for external opportunities. 

Beyond striking at the livelihoods of university faculty and staff, this financial  strain caused by the deliberate campaign of scholasticide poses an existential  threat to the future of the universities themselves. 

Thus, urgent measures must be taken to address the financial crisis now faced by  academic institutions, to ensure their very survival. We call upon all concerned  parties to immediately coordinate their efforts in support of this critical  objective.

The rebuilding of Gaza’s academic institutions is not just a matter of education;  it is a testament to our resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to  securing a future for generations to come. 

The fate of higher education in Gaza belongs to the universities in Gaza, their  faculty, staff, and students and to the Palestinian people as a whole. We  appreciate the efforts of peoples and citizens around the world to bring an end to  this ongoing genocide. 

We call upon our colleagues in the homeland and internationally to support our  steadfast attempts to defend and preserve our universities for the sake of the  future of our people, and our ability to remain on our Palestinian land in Gaza.  We built these universities from tents. And from tents, with the support of our  friends, we will rebuild them once again. 


Dr Kamalain Shaath, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Omar Milad, President of Al Azhar University Gaza, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Mohamed Reyad Zughbur, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Nasser Abu Alatta, Dean of Students Affairs, Al Aqsa University 

Dr Akram Mohammed Radwan, Dean of Admission, Registration, and Student  Affairs, University College of Applied Sciences – Gaza 

Dr Atta Abu Hany, Dean of Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Prof Hamdi ShhadehZourb, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and  Administrative Sciences, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Ahmed Abu Shaban, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary  Medicine, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Ahmed A Najim, Dean of Admission and Registration, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Noha A Nijim, Dean of Economics and Administrative Science Faculty, Al  Azhar University Gaza

Prof Hatem Ali Al-Aidi, Dean of Planning and Quality, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Ihab A Naser Dean of Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Eng Amani Al-Mqadama, Head of the International Relations, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Mohammed R AlBaba, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Rami Wishah , Dean of the Faculty of Law, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Prof Basim Mohammad Ayesh, Head of MSc Programme Committee and  Professor of Molecular Genetics, Al Aqsa University 

Prof Hassan Asour, Dean of Scientific Research, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Khaled Ismail Shahada Tabish, Head of Salaries Department, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Mazen Sabbah, Dean of Faculty of Sharia, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Ashraf J Shaqalaih, Head of Laboratory Medicine Dept, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Mahmoud El Ajouz, Head of Food Analysis Center and Lecturer at the  Faculty of Agriculture, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Mazen AbuQamar, Head of Nursing Department, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Eng Abed Elnaser Mustafa Abu Assi, Head of Engineering Office, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Ahmed Rezk Al-Wawi, Vice President of the Islamic University Workers’  Union, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Shareef El Buhaisi, Head of Administration Office at the Faculty of Applied  Medical Sciences, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Saeb Hussein Al-Owaini, Director of Employees, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG)

Dr Mai Ramadan, Director of the Drug and Toxicology Analysis Centre, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Mohammed S M Kuhail, Director of Libraries, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Eng Emad Ahmed Ismail Al-Nounou, Director, Technical Department, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Eng Ismail Abdul Rahman Abu Sukhaila, Director Engineering Office, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Osama R Shawwa, Director of Administrative Office in the Department of  Political Sciences, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Adnan A S El-Ajrami, Director of Administrative Office at the Faculty of  Medicine, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Hashem Mahmoud Kassab, Director of Public Relations and Media Department,  Al Azhar University Gaza 

Mazen Hilles, Director of Administration of Diploma Programme, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Adel Mansour Suleiman Al-Louh , Services Manager, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Hammam Al-Nabahen, Director of IT Services, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Maher Haron Ereif, Audit Department Assistant Director, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Khalid Solayman Alsayed, Information Technology Administrator, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Amani H Abujarad, Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics Department  of English, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Ayman Shaheen, Assistant Professor in Political Sciences, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Prof Alaa Mustafa Al-Halees, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Basil Hamed, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)

Dr Mohamed Elhindy, Assistant Professor in Veterinary Medicine, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Prof Bassam Ahmed Abu Zaher, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Prof Fakhr Abo Awad, Faculty of Science – Department of Chemistry, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Saher Al Waleed, Professor of Law, Al Azhar University Gaza Prof Kamal Ahmed Ghneim, Faculty of Arts, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Khadir Tawfiq Khadir, Department of English Language – Faculty of Arts,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Marwan Saleem El-Agha, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Mona Jehad Wadi, Assistant Professor of microbiology, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Mohammed Faek Aziz, Deanship of Quality and Development, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Muhammed Abu Mattar, Associate Professor in Law, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Prof Abdul Fattah Nazmi Hassan Abdel Rabbo, Faculty of Science, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Saher Al Waleed, Professor of Law, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Sari El Sahhar, Assistant Professor in Plant Protection, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Nidal Jamal Masoud Jarada, Law, University College of Applied Sciences – Gaza 

Dr Sherin H Aldani, Assistant Professor in Social Sciences, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Wael Mousa, Assistant Professor in Food Technology, Al Azhar University  Gaza

Prof Mohamed I H Migdad, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Alaa Mustafa Al-Halees, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Usama Hashem Hamed Hegazy, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Prof Basil Hamed, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Tawfik Musa Allouh, Professor of Arabic Literature, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Prof Bassam Ahmed Abu Zaher, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Prof Zaki S Safi, Professor of Chemistry, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Prof Fakhr Abo Awad, Faculty of Science – Department of Chemistry, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Kamal Ahmed Ghneim, Faculty of Arts, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Khadir Tawfiq Khadir, Department of English Language – Faculty of Arts,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Khaled Hussein Hamdan, Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Ata Hasan Ismail Darwish, Professor of Science Education and Curriculum,  Al Azhar University Gaza 

Prof Hazem Falah Sakeek, Professor of Physics, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Prof Mohammed Abdel Aati, Department of Electrical Engineering and  Intelligent Systems, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Prof Nader Jawad Al-Nimra, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Prof Nasir Sobhy Abu Foul, Professor of Food Technology, Al Azhar University  Gaza

Dr Rawand Sami Abu Nahla, Lecturer at Faculty of Dentistry, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Prof Hussein M. H. Alhendawi, Professor of Organic Chemistry, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Prof Ihab S. S. Zaqout, Professor in Computer Science, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Dr Rushdy A S Wady, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Abed El-Raziq A Salama, Assistant Professor in Food Technology, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Ahmed Aabed, Admin Assistant in Administrative and Financial Affairs  Office, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Ahmed Mesmeh, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Emad Khalil Abu Alkhair Masoud, Associate professor of microbiology, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Alaa Issa Mohammed Saleh, Lecturer at the faculty of Dentistry, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Ali Al-Jariri, Continuing Education Department, Al Quds Open University 

Dr Arwa Eid Ashour, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Hala Zakaria Alagha, Assistant Professor in Clinical Pharmacy, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Prof Marwan Khazinda, Professor of Mathematics, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Prof MoaminAlhanjouri, Associate Professor in Statistics, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Prof Sameer Mostafa Abumdallala, Professor of Economics, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Bilal Al-Dabbour, Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)

Dr Nabil Kamel Mohammed Dukhan, Faculty of Education – Department of  Psychology, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Jamal Mohamed Alshareef, Assistant Professor, Linguistics Department of  English, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Sadiq Ahmed Mohammed Abdel Aal, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Khaled Abushab, Associate Professor in Applied Medical Sciences, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Abed El-Raziq A Salama, Assistant Professor in Food Technology, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Emad Khalil Abu Alkhair Masoud, Associate Professor of Microbiology, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Hala Zakaria Alagha, Assistant Professor in Clinical Pharmacy, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Jamal Mohamed Alshareef, Assistant Professor, Linguistics Department of  English, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Khaled Abushab, Associate Professor in Applied Medical Sciences, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Dr Suheir Ammar, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Dr Waseem Bahjat Mushtaha, Associate Professor in Dental Medicine, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Prof Ali Abu Zaid, Professor of Statistics, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Dr Zahir Mahmoud Khalil Nassar, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Abdul Hamid Mustafa Said Mortaja, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arabic  Language, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Abdul Rahman Salman Nasr Al-Daya, Associate Professor at the Faculty of  Sharia and Law, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ayman Salah Khalil Abumayla, Officer – Student Affairs Department, Al Azhar  University Gaza


Abdullah Ahmed Al-Sawarqa, Library, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed Abu Mughisib, Faculty of Science, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Mohammed Abdul Fattah Abdel Rabbo, Deanship of Engineering and  Information Systems, University College of Applied Sciences – Gaza 

Basheer Ismail Hamed Hammo, Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Bssam Fadel Nssar, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Eng Mohammed Awni Abushaban, Teaching Assistant IT Department, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Etemad Mohammed Abdul Aziz Al-Attar, Faculty of Science, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Fahd Ghassan Abdullah Al-Khatib, Engineering Office, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Ibrahim K I Albozom, Administrative Officer Faculty of Arts, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Abdullah Ahmed Anaqlah, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Abdelrahman Abu Saloom, Radiologist at the College of Dentistry, Al  Azhar University Gaza 

Feryal Ali Mahmoud Farhat, Administrator, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) Fifi Al-Zard, Campus Services, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) Manar Y Abuamara, Secretary, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Hani Rubhi Abdel Aal, Graduate Studies, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Abdul Raouf Al-Mabhouh, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Adnan Al-Qazzaz, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG)


Sfadi Salim Abu Amra, Supporting Services Department, Al Azhar University  Gaza 

Hassan Ahmed Hassan Al-Nabih, Department of English Language – Faculty of  Arts, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Hassan Nasr, Information Technology, University College of Applied Sciences  – Gaza 

Hatem Barhoom, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Tamer Musallam, Lecturer in Business Diploma Programme, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Ahmed Adnan Mahmoud Mattar, Information Technology, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Jaber Mahmoud Al-Omsey, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Qadoura, Administrator, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Hussein Al-Jadaily, Faculty of Nursing, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ibrahim Issa Ibrahim Seidem, Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ezia Abu Zaida, Secretary, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Khaled Mutlaq Issa, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Khalil Mohammed Said Hassan Abu Kuweik, Faculty of Economics and  Administrative Sciences, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ibraheem Almasharawi, Instructor at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary  Medicine, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Maher Jaber Mahmoud Shaqlieh, Information Technology Affairs, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Mousa Asraf, Department of English Language,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Mohammed Said Abu Safi, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)


Ahmed Omar Ismail Al-Dahdouh, Faculty of Information Technology,  University College of Applied Sciences – Gaza 

Ahmed Salman Ali Abu Amra, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Saqer, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Ahmed Younes Abu Labda, Personnel Affairs, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Alaa Fathi Salim Abu Ajwa, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Mahmoud Said Mohammed Al- Damouni, Central Library, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

GhasasnAlswairki, Adminstration Officer at Faculty of Pharmacy, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Mahmoud Shukri Sarhan, Faculty of Education, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Mahmoud Youssef Mohammed Al- Shoubaki, Faculty of Fundamentals of  Religion, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Majdi Said Aqel, Faculty of Education, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) Muahmmed Abu Aouda, Security Department, Al Azhar University Gaza Majed Hania, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Majed Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Naami, Faculty of Literature, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Mamoun Abdul Aziz Ahmed Salha, Information Technology, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Emad Ali Ahmed Abdel Rabbo, Administrator, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Imad Alwaheidi Lecturer in Livestock Production Al Azhar University Gaza 

Manar Mustafa Al-Maghari, Medical Department, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG)


Mohammed Bassam Mohammed Al- Kurd, Campus Services, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Marwa Rouhi Abu Jalaleh, Information Technology Department, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Yousif Altaban, Security Department, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Hala Muti Mahmoud Abu Naqeera, Student Affairs, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Marwan Ismail Abdul Rahman Hamad, Faculty of Education, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Mohammad Hussein Kraizem, Health Sciences, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Mohammed AlAshi, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Mohammed Hassan Al-Sar, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Mohammed Ibrahim Khidr Al-Gomasy, Faculty of Education, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Mohammed Juma Al-Ghoul, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Islamic University of  Gaza (IUG) 

Mohammed Khalil Ayesh, Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Faiz Ahmed Ali Hales, Computer Maintenance Department, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Mohammed Taha Mohammed Abu Qadama, Administrator, Islamic University  of Gaza (IUG) 

Yousef Fahmy Krayem, Lab Technician at Faculty of Agriculture and  Veterinary Medicine, Al Azhar University Gaza 

Nabhan Salem Abu Jamous, Department of Supplies and Purchases, Head of  Storage Section, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)


Nihad Mohammed Sheikh Khalil, Faculty of Arts – Department of History,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Tamer Nazeer Nassar Madi, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Rami Othman Mohammed Hassan Skik, Faculty of Information Technology,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Salah Hassan Radwan, Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Salem Abushawarib, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Salem Jameel Bakir Al-Sazaji, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Abed Alraouf S Almasharawi, Administrative Officer in the Library, Al Azhar  University Gaza 

Samah Al-Samoni, Public Relations, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Wafa Farhan Ismail Ubaid, Faculty of Nursing, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Tawfiq Sufian Tawfiq Harzallah, Admission and Registration Department,  Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 

Walid Zuheir Aidi Abu Shaaban, Finance and Auditing Department, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

Yasser Zaidan Salem Al-Nahal, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza  (IUG) 

Youssef Sobhi Abdel Nabi Al-Rantissi, Computer Technician, Islamic  University of Gaza (IUG) 

The views expressed in this article are the authors’ own and do not necessarily  reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.



Gaza Academics and Administrators 

We are a group of scholars and administrators from Gaza universities  calling for the end of scholasticide.


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